TEL: +886-2-23710187
FAX: +886-2-23112659
Address: 14F., No.35, Boai Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10044, Taiwan
Service Locations
The expansion of service locations is done to provide faster service for you.
Taipei Headquarter
Taichung Plant
TEL: +886-4-23357641
FAX: +886-4-23356943
Address: No.880, Sec. 1, Xinan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 41464, Taiwan
Suzhou Office
Trustec Co.,Ltd
TEL: +86-512-67297367-8005
TEL: +86-512-86868668-8005
Address: 2nd floor west, 39 mid-Suhong road, Suzhou Inderstrial Park, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China
Southeast Asia
Saw Hooi Ju
Application Engineer
TEL: +60 10-459 2818
Address: 73-3-1, Ideal @The One, Jalan Mahsuri, 11950 Bayan Lepas, Penang, Malaysia
US Office
Haiku Tech Inc.
Martin De Moya
TEL: (305) 463-9304
FAX: (305) 463-8751
Address: 11025 N.W. 29th St Doral Fl 33172 USA
Europe Office
Haiku Tech Europe B.V.
Hendrikus Oostra
TEL: +31 43 457 8080
FAX: +31 43 457 8053
Address: Watermolen 12, 6229 PM Maastricht, The Netherlands